About Us

We are a couple from the UK, both from corporate job backgrounds, that want to experience different world cultures and travel.
Before turning 40, our holidays were family-friendly locations. Some short-haul flights for us around Europe, others a little further out like Egypt. Mainly all-inclusive hotels with children’s areas or private villas close to entertainment. Building a career and having a family early in life meant we had different priorities, and holidays had a different meaning.

While financially better off in our 40s than in our 20s and 30s, we grew bolder. Friends were starting their families. Our children, nephews and nieces talked about travelling, and we thought, hang on, why are we doing that now? We have money and the desire now to do it. Why don’t we start seeing a bit more of the world?

How our travel bug started

The motorhome trip around New Zealand gave us the confidence and boost we needed to start our adventure. It was the first time we had no tour guide, a whole country to explore on our own time and to live in a small place, not knowing what the next days would bring.
After this trip, we knew we could explore more of the world and started to plan different parts of the world we always wanted to see but never did.

Vietnam & Cambodia was our next big trip, a different cultural experience, taking us into a country with a language barrier.
However, we did have a guide in parts, and we stayed in lovely hotels, so by no means were we backpacking or roughing it. But this was another turning point for us to decide that we got the bug, and we wanted to change our lifestyle from the monotony it was getting to with our jobs and home life. There was so much more to the world that we were missing out on.
After returning from this trip, we decided to change our everyday lives. We looked to either find another job or go on another adventure to keep this need to change alive.

Living in Jamaica

The universe had a better plan for us. No more than a few months after returning to the UK, Kelly had a call from a recruitment agency about a position in Jamaica. So suddenly, we had an opportunity to live and explore another part of the world. So, naturally, we jumped at the chance.

We landed in Jamaica amid the pandemic just before they shut down international travel.
Yes, it was a long way away from family. However, video calls and social distancing measures didn’t make any difference where you were, as you weren’t allowed to be together in the same room. Much like most families, it meant we communicated more in this time than we ever had.

Living in Jamaica was an experience, we loved our time here, The place is beautiful, hot, frustrating, colourful, vibrant passionate and did I mention hot. Full of history, art, music, tasty food, amazing beaches, not so amazing beaches, crazy roads, crazy drivers and so much more.

Did I mention it is hot?. Standing outside a tax office for 2 hours in the sun, waiting to get a car transferred into your name is not fun in the heat, but that’s another story.

Future plans

Now that travel has opened up again we plan to travel around and explore more of this amazing part of the world.

Armed with a heavy DSLR, Phone and GoPro and laptop, we plan to document all that we can.

This blog is a way to share our experiences; if someone enjoys it, that’s a bonus.

If you would like to get in contact with us, please email us at: hello@travellingafter40.com or see us on Twitter